Category: Writing

  • Thank You Reviewers! And The Scourge Sequel News …

    I want to say a sincere thank you to everyone who has purchased and read The Scourge! The positive feedback from friends, family, and total strangers is truly overwhelming. I love hearing from you, so please feel free to contact me anytime through my blog, or directly from the “About” page on my website here.…

  • The Scourge Now Available for NOOK!

    Just a quick post today, to announce that you can now download The Scourge from Barnes & Noble for your NOOK! Click the link above to view the product page and purchase, or to leave a review (you can even copy and paste from your Amazon review, if you so choose). Please spread the word…

  • Metaphors in Writing and Life

    When I started writing fiction a few years ago, I had to relearn what figures of speech were. You remember them: metaphor, simile, hyperbole, euphemism, oxymoron, personification, and the rest. While I could write similes fairly easily, I had to work at the metaphors. Well, let’s be honest, I had to work at all of…

  • Why do you write (or read)?

    I was perusing another author’s blog, and came across a post entitled, “Why do you write?” It’s not the first time I’ve seen that question posed. Usually writers assert that they “need” to write, that it’s not a choice at all, that their characters demand it. Or something along those lines. Why do I write?…

  • Welcome to My Blog!

    This is the first of what I hope will be weekly blog posts. I’m new to the blogosphere, so bear with me as I get started. I’d like to provide useful content here for people interested in reading and writing fiction. I also may occasionally hold forth on topics in psychology and life in general.…