Category: Writing

  • What I needed to hear

    Sometimes, while working with a therapy client, they tell me that something I said prompted an important change in their thinking, behavior, or intentions. Although that’s often how therapy works, the actual moment of influence can be a surprise to me. I say a lot of things, and most of them go in one ear…

  • I wish I spoke Portuguese

    Did you know Google translates web pages? I didn’t. Not until I was desperate to translate a website from Portuguese to English in the middle of the night. Why? Because a Brazilian blogger and book lover chose the cover of The Scourge as her “Cover of the Week”! Thank you, Nel! I love how the…

  • The Scourge now available from iBooks, Sony, Diesel, Kobo and other e-bookstores!

    So it took months longer than I thought it would, but I’m pleased to say The Scourge is now available from Apple iBooks, Sony, Diesel, Kobo and the Baker & Taylor e-bookstores, as well as the Amazon Kindle store and Barnes and Noble! I checked out the iBooks sample on our iPad, and I luuuuv…

  • The Birth of a Novel . . . or a Giraffe

    Writing a novel and birthing a child. It’s an old comparison. Trite, yet still true. So when my Mom sent me this video, I immediately connected with it. Birthing a rough draft is harder than it looks. It’s uncomfortable, slow, and a little nerve-wracking. Every day it emerges, bit by painful bit. People check in about…

  • The Scourge is #100 in Children’s E-books/Action and Adventure

    I woke up this morning to exciting news: The Scourge is ranked #100 in the Action and Adventure category in Children’s E-books in the Amazon Kindle store! You might have to look quick to see it there – these rankings change hourly based on sales. But here is the screenshot I took.   This is…

  • Shock-puppet: Is it ethical for friends and family to post reviews without disclosing they know the author?

    I’ve been following a perplexing thread on Amazon’s Kindle boards. Some of the posters in this thread believe authors degrade the utility and integrity of the Amazon review system by asking their family and friends (AKA sock-puppets) to post reviews (AKA shills) of their novels without disclosing that they are a friend or fam somewhere in…