Category: Reading

  • Because I Said So: Legend by Marie Lu

    So I have to thank my buddy Jenny for this recco. She said it was good, and she was right, of course. She even let me borrow her library copy to read. And I’ll be getting it back to the library any day now, Jenny. Really. Inspired by the set-up of Les Miserables, but with…

  • Because I Said So: The Parasol Protectorate Series by Gail Carriger

    Welcome to the first post in an occasional series I’m calling Because I Said So, in which I will offer up novels for your reading consideration. I’m anticipating they will often be young adult titles, but I’m not ruling out other genres because, hey, I’m unpredictable like that. While I won’t provide a review of…

  • Why do you write (or read)?

    I was perusing another author’s blog, and came across a post entitled, “Why do you write?” It’s not the first time I’ve seen that question posed. Usually writers assert that they “need” to write, that it’s not a choice at all, that their characters demand it. Or something along those lines. Why do I write?…

  • E-books and Children

    I took to e-books and e-reading like a teen to texting. But I know a lot of people are resisting the change. They often say they would miss the feel of a book in their hands, or the smell of the paper. I’ve wondered what effect e-readers will have on the children’s book industry. Children…