Category: Reading

  • Cover Reveal: Free Souls

    I’m very pleased to announce that Susan Kaye Quinn‘s final book in the Mindjack trilogy is now available. I read the first book, Open Minds, and Closed Hearts (and now Free Souls) are in my TBR pile. Enjoy this fast-paced, inventive YA spec fiction series! And for any writers out there interested in taking the…

  • Cover Reveal: World of Shell and Bone

    I’m so excited to be hosting my very first cover reveal for Adriana Ryan‘s dystopian novel, World of Shell and Bone! You might remember from my last post that I’m thankful for the amazing writers I’ve met over the last year? Well, Adriana is one of those writers. We’ve been corresponding for months, and I…

  • Because I Said So: The Breeders by Katie French

    It’s been a while since I recommended a book. Not because I haven’t been reading (oh, far from that), or because I couldn’t find anything to recommend (please read Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi. Please. You will love it.) I just haven’t gotten around to writing a post, until today. I offer you…

  • Getting The Giver

     This past weekend my daughter and I had the opportunity to see Lois Lowry’s The Giver performed onstage at the Denver Center for the Performing Arts. Published back in 1993, The Giver is frequently credited as the first dystopian novel written for children. After the steady stream of amazing dystopian young adult novels published in…

  • When was the last time you had a book hangover?

    Reader Michelle W. of Kailua, Hawaii sent me the following message on   As I was checking out your website I came across a post written in April titled Boundary Issues. *slowly raises her hand* That was definitely me the other night. The only difference, it was with my Kindle Fire and your book,…

  • I love the smell of new books in the morning

    Have you ever been in a brand new public library before? A library in it’s infancy, only a few days old? I had the chance today to do just that. Our squalling, red-faced neighborhood library branch was born last Friday. It was so cool to see all the materials before they were checked out and picked…