Category: Blog

  • 5 Favorite YA Titles and Why I Love Them

    5 Favorite YA Titles and Why I Love Them

    I’m occasionally asked by friends, family, and readers for recommendations of YA titles that I loved. I read a lot, so it shouldn’t be that hard to come up with a title or two, but for some reason the question throws me. I know I prefer fantasy to contemporary, and I love historical fiction. I…

  • New Release: AFTER LIFE by Shelbi Wescott

    New Release: AFTER LIFE by Shelbi Wescott

    Ooh, I love a good horror! If you do, too, check out AFTER LIFE by fellow Infinite Inkling and bestselling author of the Virulent series, Shelbi Wescott. I can’t wait to read it … Here’s the link on Amazon!

  • Instigator is here, and a great trilogy is complete

    Instigator is here, and a great trilogy is complete

    I’m thrilled to help spread the word that Instigator has been released! Friend and author Nicole Ciacchella has crafted a fantastic YA dystopian series, and now all three books are ready and waiting for you to read, if you haven’t already. Here’s all the relevant info, including links to buy (hint, hint). The final book…

  • The Reese’s Cup of Psychology and Fiction

    I’m a clinical psychologist. I’m also a novelist. Having a background in psychology is like the peanut butter in the chocolate of writing fiction: you don’t have to eat them together, sure, but they create something richer when you do. My two professional roles intersect with a basic fascination with people. Understanding people and all…

  • Cover Reveal: No Return (Internal Defense #3) by Zoe Cannon

    Cover Reveal: No Return (Internal Defense #3) by Zoe Cannon

    Great news for those who have read Books 1 and 2 in Zoe Cannon’s Internal Defense series: No Return, Book 3, is releasing next month. Today I have a sneak peek of the very cool cover (Zoe designs them herself)! Every dissident knows about Becca Dalcourt. They know about the lives she’s saved. About the…

  • #MyWritingProcess Blog Hop

    I’ve been tagged by Nicole Ciacchella, a fellow Infinite Inkling (, to participate in this blog hop about my writing process. Check out Nicole’s blog at to read about her writing process. Better yet, take a look at her books while you’re there. She writes everything from contemporary women’s fiction to YA dystopian, including …