Category: Blog

  • E-books and Children

    I took to e-books and e-reading like a teen to texting. But I know a lot of people are resisting the change. They often say they would miss the feel of a book in their hands, or the smell of the paper. I’ve wondered what effect e-readers will have on the children’s book industry. Children…

  • M.I.D. = Multiple Identity Disorder

    M.I.D., or multiple identity disorder, is very common. In fact, I think it’s something most of us have. Before you start checking for fever and rashes, let me reassure you that it’s not contagious. Or even really a problem. In fact, it’s kinda exciting. (And made-up, btw.)

  • Welcome to My Blog!

    This is the first of what I hope will be weekly blog posts. I’m new to the blogosphere, so bear with me as I get started. I’d like to provide useful content here for people interested in reading and writing fiction. I also may occasionally hold forth on topics in psychology and life in general.…