Category: Blog

  • The Birth of a Novel . . . or a Giraffe

    Writing a novel and birthing a child. It’s an old comparison. Trite, yet still true. So when my Mom sent me this video, I immediately connected with it. Birthing a rough draft is harder than it looks. It’s uncomfortable, slow, and a little nerve-wracking. Every day it emerges, bit by painful bit. People check in about…

  • The Scourge is #100 in Children’s E-books/Action and Adventure

    I woke up this morning to exciting news: The Scourge is ranked #100 in the Action and Adventure category in Children’s E-books in the Amazon Kindle store! You might have to look quick to see it there – these rankings change hourly based on sales. But here is the screenshot I took.   This is…

  • Boundary issues

    I have a confession to make. I have a boundary problem. Boundaries are important to psychologists. Good boundaries allow us to have healthy relationships, to be able to say “no” to new responsibilities when our plates are full (or to say “no” to seconds when our plates are empty for that matter), and to be…

  • If it smells like pain everywhere you go . . .

    In this week’s post I’d like to venture once again into topics utterly unrelated to reading or writing, and instead share my hands-down favorite saying in psychology. It applies so well to so many situations. If it smells like s**t everywhere you go, it might be you. Think about that. Doesn’t it possess the unmistakable…

  • Shock-puppet: Is it ethical for friends and family to post reviews without disclosing they know the author?

    I’ve been following a perplexing thread on Amazon’s Kindle boards. Some of the posters in this thread believe authors degrade the utility and integrity of the Amazon review system by asking their family and friends (AKA sock-puppets) to post reviews (AKA shills) of their novels without disclosing that they are a friend or fam somewhere in…

  • Because I Said So: Angelfall by Susan Ee

    Being an Indie author myself, I’m working on finding and reading other Indie novels that I can wholeheartedly recommend. This is one of those novels. Angelfall is the first in Indie author Susan Ee’s Penryn and the End of Days YA series. And wow, it packs an angelic punch. Ee borrowed her angel lore from…