Category: Blog

  • My First Book Club Appearance

    I had the opportunity last Thursday night to attend the meeting of a local book club after they read The Scourge. I’d never talked about my writing in front of a group of people, particularly not mostly-strangers, and as I’ve said before, I’m not the greatest at thinking/speaking on my feet. So I was pretty…

  • The Perfect Song

    This week’s post comes courtesy of a friend. He shared this video of the song, “Trees”, and suggested it as the closing credits track for the as yet imaginary film version of The Scourge. (Thank you, Max, for that vote of confidence.) Have a listen, and see what you think. I think it’s sort of…

  • Because I Said So: Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier

    Many weeks ago I promised a recommendation of Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier, the book that kept me up until 4 am and besmirched my boundaries. Refer to this post for more info about the dangers of besmirched boundaries. Daughter of the Forest, the first of the Sevenwaters Trilogy, was published way back…

  • What I needed to hear

    Sometimes, while working with a therapy client, they tell me that something I said prompted an important change in their thinking, behavior, or intentions. Although that’s often how therapy works, the actual moment of influence can be a surprise to me. I say a lot of things, and most of them go in one ear…

  • I wish I spoke Portuguese

    Did you know Google translates web pages? I didn’t. Not until I was desperate to translate a website from Portuguese to English in the middle of the night. Why? Because a Brazilian blogger and book lover chose the cover of The Scourge as her “Cover of the Week”! Thank you, Nel! I love how the…

  • The Scourge now available from iBooks, Sony, Diesel, Kobo and other e-bookstores!

    So it took months longer than I thought it would, but I’m pleased to say The Scourge is now available from Apple iBooks, Sony, Diesel, Kobo and the Baker & Taylor e-bookstores, as well as the Amazon Kindle store and Barnes and Noble! I checked out the iBooks sample on our iPad, and I luuuuv…