Category: Blog

  • New Cover Reveal: The Scourge, Book 1 coming soon!

    Stay tuned over the next few days for the new cover reveal for The Scourge, Book 1! New Zealand cover designer, Jeroen ten Berge, created a beautiful new cover for the book. We retained the image of the girl in water from the old cover, but the new one has several elements that add so…

  • Crawling Inside My Head

    Fall is here, school has started for the kiddos, and I’m writing furiously. It is SUCH a relief to devote significant portions of time to writing again, and a great feeling to watch the word count on The Scourge sequel rise dramatically each day. Some authors talk about entering “the writer’s cave” when they really get…

  • When was the last time you had a book hangover?

    Reader Michelle W. of Kailua, Hawaii sent me the following message on   As I was checking out your website I came across a post written in April titled Boundary Issues. *slowly raises her hand* That was definitely me the other night. The only difference, it was with my Kindle Fire and your book,…

  • I love the smell of new books in the morning

    Have you ever been in a brand new public library before? A library in it’s infancy, only a few days old? I had the chance today to do just that. Our squalling, red-faced neighborhood library branch was born last Friday. It was so cool to see all the materials before they were checked out and picked…

  • VERY Exciting News!

    This has been in the works for a few weeks, but I can finally announce some super exciting news. (Well, it’s super exciting to me. It may be a tad less so to my dear readers.) I now have a literary agent! Like, a real one! Not just an imaginary secret-agent-friend! The fabulous Caryn Wiseman…

  • Deconstructing the Olympic Drama

    I would like to report that I’m doing a lot of writing, or least a lot of reading. Instead, I can only report that I’ve been doing a lot of Olympics watching. In other words, slacking. But I can’t say that time is entirely wasted. First, it’s only on every two years (living in Colorado…