Category: Life

  • Getting The Giver

     This past weekend my daughter and I had the opportunity to see Lois Lowry’s The Giver performed onstage at the Denver Center for the Performing Arts. Published back in 1993, The Giver is frequently credited as the first dystopian novel written for children. After the steady stream of amazing dystopian young adult novels published in…

  • And the Winner Is …

    I randomly selected a name from the sequel notification list to give them a $15 Amazon gift card. And the winner is … SHARON Congratulations, Sharon! I’ve sent you an email letting you know how to collect your gift card. Thank you to everyone on the list. You still have a chance to win, as…

  • When was the last time you had a book hangover?

    Reader Michelle W. of Kailua, Hawaii sent me the following message on   As I was checking out your website I came across a post written in April titled Boundary Issues. *slowly raises her hand* That was definitely me the other night. The only difference, it was with my Kindle Fire and your book,…

  • I love the smell of new books in the morning

    Have you ever been in a brand new public library before? A library in it’s infancy, only a few days old? I had the chance today to do just that. Our squalling, red-faced neighborhood library branch was born last Friday. It was so cool to see all the materials before they were checked out and picked…

  • Deconstructing the Olympic Drama

    I would like to report that I’m doing a lot of writing, or least a lot of reading. Instead, I can only report that I’ve been doing a lot of Olympics watching. In other words, slacking. But I can’t say that time is entirely wasted. First, it’s only on every two years (living in Colorado…

  • If you could be a supernatural creature, what would you be?

    Author Adriana Ryan recently blogged about what superpowers she wouldn’t want. She ruled out fat manipulation, a prehensile tongue, or bubble generation. Gotta agree with her on those. The post got me thinking about supernatural creatures, and more specifically, which one I would choose to be if I had to be one of them. Think…