Category: Life

  • I’m a Divine Deity

      I’m pretty excited to attend the second annual utopYA Con the last weekend in June in Nashville. I was invited to be a panelist, but I’m just as psyched about attending the other panels. They will be chock full of successful Indie authors and publishing pros presenting invaluable information from both the craft and…

  • Have Another Mint on Me

    Something very cool happened tonight. I was eating at Wahoo’s Fish Taco with my children, a few friends, and their children. (I had the shrimp bowl with brown rice and Cajun beans, in case you were wondering. It was tasty.) I’d just taken a rather uncooperative bite when I noticed a boy with a wide…

  • My Goals for 2013

    Our family decided to write up goals (AKA New Year’s Resolutions) for 2013 and share them with each other. My husband and I talked to the children about how to make their goals SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, timely.) It was very entertaining to hear a six year old’s goals. We can’t complain; they were…

  • What I’m Thankful For: My Readers

    I’ve learned a lot in the last ten months since I published my debut novel, The Scourge. But the biggest revelation is that I’m not just writing for myself. I’m writing for readers. Um, obvious, right? Not always. Many people start off writing for themselves. Then, by necessity, they write for friends, family, critique partners,…

  • We have a winner

    I have randomly chosen a winner for another Amazon gift card, and I’m very pleased to report the random number generator chose one of the first people to sign up to receive my newsletter. And that was: KATHY Kathy, I’ve sent you an email to let you know you won. Congratulations! I owe any success…

  • The Next Big Thing

    I’m it! (Um, not it as in the Next Big Thing, but as in a game of tag.) Author Adriana Ryan tagged me in a game of blog hop. According to author Shel Delisle, the idea is “about a lot of authors getting together to share their readers and to help them to find other…