Update for The Fire Sisters


I wrote the following post on Facebook on 3/16, and I wanted to also post it here on my blog:

I’m in the midst of a pretty all-encompassing revision of THE FIRE SISTERS based on my editor’s feedback. I’m working very hard and very fast to get this draft done, but it has pushed back my (as yet unannounced) release timeline. Once this draft is done, it will go back to my editor for another pass, and another revision which will likely take through May. I know, I know. Believe me, I cried when I realized I couldn’t get this to you all sooner.

Part of what made this a major revision was deciding not to do a fourth book in the series after thinking about my editor’s feedback about the story arc for the series. I REALLY want to get you this book, but especially because it will now wrap up the series, I want to make it as close to perfect as I can. At this point, I will do a summer release, and I will get more specific with a date as soon as I can.

ARCs will definitely go out to the folks who have won them so far, I am just not able to send them yet. I let the winners know they won, and I will follow up with you when they are ready. I’ll also be giving away more ARCs when we are closer to publication. Please be sure you are signed up to receive my newsletter because that’s where I’ll be giving them away.

I am painfully aware that you all have been waiting a LONG time for this book, and I really appreciate your continued enthusiasm and patience. Please know that I am committed to getting it to you as soon as possible. I’ve made some mistakes along the way both in the writing and marketing side of things for this book, but I’m trying to learn from them so they won’t be repeated! Hang in there with me!