Infinite Ink is here! And an Ides of March Giveaway

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Infinite Ink Authors by Ash Krafton

I’ve banded together with a group of super cool Indie authors to form a collective called Infinite Ink. We write young adult and new adult speculative fiction (that’s fantasy and sci-fi), and we love all things spec-fic. Our goal is to connect with readers and talk books!

If you want to join in the fun, there are a lot of places to find us. We’re on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Goodreads, and we have a brand-spanking-new website designed by our own Inkling, Katie French, where you can find information about us, links to our free books, and more cool content.

To kick things off, we’re hosting an Ides of March giveaway. Head on over to our website now to win one of three Amazon gift cards or one of three Fill Your Kindle prize packs (free books!)

We’re super excited about Infinite Ink. Hope you’ll join us!
