The Next Big Thing

I’m it! (Um, not it as in the Next Big Thing, but as in a game of tag.)

Author Adriana Ryan tagged me in a game of blog hop. According to author Shel Delisle, the idea is “about a lot of authors getting together to share their readers and to help them to find other great authors to read.” We are supposed to answer ten questions about one of our books, or a work in progress, so I’ll talk about both – The Scourge, Book 1 and my WIP, Book 2.

What is the working title of your book?

Okay, is it bad that I’m stumped by the first question? I obviously named the first book The Scourge. When it was published, I wasn’t really sure if I would write a sequel to it. Now that I am, I need at least some subtitles for books 1 and 2. So here goes – let me know what you think of them.

The Water-Bearer (The Scourge series, Book 1)

The Air Between (The Scourge series, Book 2)

I have outlines for possible books 3 and 4, which would also have elemental titles.

Where did the idea come from for the book?

I cover this in my bio section in my blog, so I’ll bring my answer over from there:

I got the initial idea for The Scourge while traveling through the bayous of Louisiana. I wondered what would happen if, after an apocalyptic event, people had to live in those swamps without access to basic necessities. I figured they would move up in the trees. But what if only some of them were allowed to move up while others were left on the ground below? And there were horrible zombie-type creatures roaming around?

What genre does your book fall under?

YA Fantasy (or dystopia . . . or post-apocalyptic . . .)

Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?

I did a blog post on this one a while ago. I’m terrible at this because I don’t know that many actors. But when I searched for actors that fit how I see Fenn and Peree in my head, here is what I came up with:

Fennel – this picture of Isabelle Fuhrman, who plays Clove in The Hunger Games movie, is close. And she’s used to playing characters named after a plant product, so that’s a bonus.









Peree – grow his hair out to shoulder-length and Lachlan Buchanan is perfect. Dana, one of my readers, suggested Jake Abel. Can’t argue with her.









What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?

The Water Bearer: Fennel, a Sightless girl living in a post-apocalyptic world terrorized by the Scourge, has just inherited the duty of collecting fresh water for her people. She should be one of the few who are protected from the creatures, but she hasn’t been tested. Until now. (Yeah, I know that’s three sentences. I cheat.)

The Air Between: Unable to tell friend from foe, and with the Scourge pushing the fragile truce between the Groundlings and Lofties to the breaking point, Fennel must once again decide exactly how much she is willing to sacrifice to ensure a future for the people of the forest. (Hey, I made it in one!)

Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?

Book 1 was self-published in January 2012. Book 2 will be released in 2013.

How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?

One year for book 1. Ten months for book 2.

What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?

I think it’s very similar to Veronica Rossi’s Under the Never Sky. In fact, I was weirded out by all the similarities:

Dystopian? Check.

Romeo and Juliet type romance? Check.

Epic journey plot? Check.

Male protagonist is blond and his weapon of choice is a bow? Check.

Our male protags are even named the same thing! (Peree in mine, Perry in hers, but both short for Peregrine.) Several minor characters also have the same names, including Bear and Sable, and there were other similarities that I can’t mention because they would be spoilers. Like I said, weird.

Who or What inspired you to write this book?

I had just read The Giver by Lois Lowry (see my recent post about that one) and The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan, which is a beautifully written YA zombie novel. They both inspired me. But I also have to give props to M. Night Shyamalan’s film, The Village. I think Fenn was directly inspired by the main character, Ivy Walker (just realized she’s named for a plant, too!) I loved how brave, sparkling, and genuine she was, and how her blindness was a reality of her life, but never a crutch.

What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?

Listen to the song Trees by Marty Casey. It’s the perfect anthem for Fenn and Peree’s relationship!

And now, to tag several more awesome YA authors to join the blog hop – you’re it!

Susan Kaye Quinn

Katie French

R.A. Gates
