Skyping Fun with a Middle School Book Club

 I had great fun today Skyping with a middle school book club from First Presbyterian Day School in Macon, Georgia. I loved getting a glimpse of the The Scourge through the eyes of a group of bright, teen readers.

Savannah, Susannah, Grace, Erin, and Lauren had super questions about what it’s like to be an author (including if I write in my pajamas. The answer: whenever I can get away with it). They asked how I came up with different ideas in the novel, and they asked me to explain events like the Fall of Civilization and the Exchange in more depth. I think every author that writes about imaginary worlds has more made-up information in their heads about places and events than they can include in their novels. It’s fun to be able to tell more about it.

A few of my favorite questions were how I came up with names for characters, how I came up with the tales that Peree tells Fenn, and if I were a character in my book, which one would I be, and who would be my best friend. I chose Kora, and it reminded me that she will need a best friend. Be on the lookout, girls, for your inspiration in the sequel!

Sincere thanks to Kathleen Gettman, the FPD library media specialist, for choosing to read The Scourge with the book club, and to my mother-in-law, Barbara Henley, for making the connection. It was a blast!