Crawling Inside My Head

Fall is here, school has started for the kiddos, and I’m writing furiously. It is SUCH a relief to devote significant portions of time to writing again, and a great feeling to watch the word count on The Scourge sequel rise dramatically each day.

caveSome authors talk about entering “the writer’s cave” when they really get down to some serious writing. I get that image. My writer’s cave is inside my own head. It’s a space where I can crawl in, make myself at home, and get busy pushing out all the scenes, plot points, and dialogue that have been percolating there for months.

Before I start to write, I feel like the novel is already written, I just need to get it out of my head. Of course, someone else already described this idea better than I can. And it’s no less than Nabokov, y’all, although he obviously wrote old-school rather than banging away on a computer.

The pages are still blank, but there is a miraculous feeling of the words being there, written in invisible ink and clamoring to become visible.
Vladimir Nabokov

So if the blog is a little neglected over the next few months, that’s because I’ve got The Scourge sequel and a new project clamoring to become visible. My goal? Finish them both by the end of 2012. I can do it. I think. Added benefit: a de-cluttered head.

What’s your goal for this fall?

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