When was the last time you had a book hangover?

Reader Michelle W. of Kailua, Hawaii sent me the following message on Goodreads.com:


Michelle W

As I was checking out your website I came across a post written in April titled Boundary Issues. *slowly raises her hand* That was definitely me the other night. The only difference, it was with my Kindle Fire and your book, THE SCOURGE. Thank you for writing such a creative, unique, well-written story with characters you can’t help but fall in love with. I can’t wait to read the sequel. My only hope is that I won’t have to wait too long.

P.S. Because of you I’m now suffering from a book hangover.


Book Hangover: Inability to start a new book because you’re still living in the last book’s world.


I’m not gonna lie. I love being the cause of a wicked book hangover! So, you’re welcome, Michelle. Or maybe I’m sorry? Either way, thank you for reading and for getting in touch.

My latest book hangover was caused by doing shots with the appropriately named SLAMMED, by NYT bestselling Indie author, Colleen Hoover. It’s a good read from the up-and-coming New Adult genre, which typically features characters that are in the 18 to mid-20s age range, and are often set in college or soon thereafter. Other examples include EASY by Tammara Webber, or BEAUTIFUL DISASTER, by Jamie McGuire.

What book led to your most recent book hangover?

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