What I needed to hear

Sometimes, while working with a therapy client, they tell me that something I said prompted an important change in their thinking, behavior, or intentions. Although that’s often how therapy works, the actual moment of influence can be a surprise to me. I say a lot of things, and most of them go in one ear and out the other. Just ask my children.

When I saw this review of The Scourge come through Goodreads **, it was one of those moments. But in reverse. It was what I needed to hear.

I’ve had a bad week in terms of writing. I haven’t felt creative or motivated, and I’ve been doubting myself. If they crowned a Queen of Procrastination, I’d be lounging on the throne right now. Or whenever I got around to it.

I actually read Leann’s review while walking Guapo the dog—perfect procrastination move, because it lets me feel like I’m doing something good for him, instead of just wasting precious writing time. While he lifted his leg on the 149th bush, I stood on the sidewalk laughing at Leann’s last line. It was like she saw right through me. I immediately walked home and sat down to write.

So thank you, Leann, for reading The Scourge, for your kind review, and for motivating me to get back to writing. My goal for the sequel will be to try to earn that fifth star from you.

**For those of you who don’t know about Goodreads.com, do yourself a favor and check it out. Even if you don’t actively participate, it’s a fantastic place to lurk and browse for new books and authors to fall in love with.

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