I wish I spoke Portuguese

Dialects of Portuguese in BrazilDid you know Google translates web pages? I didn’t. Not until I was desperate to translate a website from Portuguese to English in the middle of the night. Why?

Because a Brazilian blogger and book lover chose the cover of The Scourge as her “Cover of the Week”! Thank you, Nel! I love how the cover turned out, too.

In case you are interested, the photographer was Jose AS Reyes. And kudos to Jenny Allen, for her fabulous graphic design work.

You might also enjoy Google’s translation of the blurb for The Scourge from Portuguese back to English. I particularly liked how the Scourge transformed themselves from being “flesh-eaters” to “meat eaters” (those pesky carnivores). Fenn went from “less-than-thrilled” to “not even a little happy.” And instead of Lofties putting arrows “in” the backs of unsuspecting Groundlings, they placed them “on” their backs. Behold the power of one little word to change a mental image.

Now, if any of you happen to read or speak Portuguese, someone left a comment on Nel’s blog that Google did not translate. I copied and pasted it into a translator website, but the translation didn’t make a whole lot of sense. The commenter was either calling zombies, or the novel, horrible. Possibly both.

Regardless, I’m so pleased The Scourge is being read and noticed both inside and outside the U.S. Amazon gives authors very little information on where purchases originate, but books have been sold to readers in the U.S., U.K., Germany, Spain, and France, and my website has had visits from Australia, India, Finland, Sweden, Brazil, Canada, Romania, and Barbados, among others. Thank you so much for your interest, readers!

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