Thank You Reviewers! And The Scourge Sequel News …

I want to say a sincere thank you to everyone who has purchased and read The Scourge! The positive feedback from friends, family, and total strangers is truly overwhelming. I love hearing from you, so please feel free to contact me anytime through my blog, or directly from the “About” page on my website here.

I also want to say a special thank you to the readers who have taken the time to post a review on Amazon’s Kindle store. The Scourge has 21 reviews as of today, and I’m thrilled that they are all 5-stars! If you haven’t posted a review and would like to, please do. The more the better!

Reviewers, I’m humbled by your kind words. As I don’t have a way to respond on Amazon, I created a brief thank you list here:


eaw3773 – thank you for recommending The Scourge to others.

HowStable – I’m very glad you found the novel hard to put down : ) I feel I’ve gone a long way toward doing my job as a storyteller when I hear that.

Robin5098 – thank you!

Sue C – hope your grandchildren enjoy the novel as much as you did.

Remus.grrl – it’s an honor that you loved the book enough to put it in your list of “lifelong books” to read again and again. (And my daughter and I heart your screen name)

GUSoccer16 – I’m so happy Fenn and Peree are as close to your heart as they are to mine

Sil510 – thank you for taking the time to read The Scourge and review. I’m glad we’re in touch!

Lisa L. Wade – I would be happy (umm, understatement?) if the Scourge became a movie series, too! First it has to become a book series – which I’m pleased to say is underway. (Btw, Lisa is an amazing realtor in Boulder, Colorado. Check out her website -)

Michelle L. Pennington – I laughed out loud at the mental image of you trying to read while changing your baby’s diaper! Thanks for your enthusiastic review. Michelle is an Indie author as well – see her novel Aglow on Ammy. (Yes, Amazon has an affectionate nickname.)

Sarah – thanks for encouraging others to buy!

A big thank you to my original reviewers, too – bonbon, Dragonfly, Ginger G. Schlather, Hearne99, ShaeShae, Jenny, Anna E. Baldwin, Dallas Way, Fierce Mama, and tracylynn. I love you guys! As an Indie author, word-of-mouth is my main marketing asset. I couldn’t do this without your support. So thank you all very much.

AND, as many of you have asked either directly or in your review, YES – I’m writing a sequel to The Scourge! No time frame for publication yet, but please stay tuned!

Here’s a little preliminary sneak peak of where we’re going:

Fennel and Peree are impatient to get on with their lives—they’re in love, after all. But their hard-earned happiness may be short-lived. Someone is bent on destroying the shaky truce between the Groundlings and Lofties. Whoever it is seems unstable at best, and will stop at nothing to see Fenn and Peree’s bond, and what their relationship represents, torn apart.

Unable to tell friend from foe, and with the Scourge pushing their communities to the breaking point, Fenn must once again decide exactly how much she is willing to sacrifice to ensure the future of the people of the forest.