Why do you write (or read)?

Ballpoint pen writing. Streaks of ink are visi...
Image via Wikipedia

I was perusing another author’s blog, and came across a post entitled, “Why do you write?” It’s not the first time I’ve seen that question posed. Usually writers assert that they “need” to write, that it’s not a choice at all, that their characters demand it. Or something along those lines.

Why do I write? Because it helps me clarify my thoughts. I’m not great at thinking on my feet. When I write my thoughts down, I can edit and revise them until they sparkle and shine. Or at least until they make some sense.

I would ask you, my dear readers, why you write, but I’m not sure how many of you out there do write. Actually, at this early stage in my blog’s game, I’m not sure how many of you are out there at all : ) No matter. I’ll ask a different question that I hope is more relevant. Why do you read?

There are at least as many reasons to read as there are to write. My husband and I embody two of them. He likes nonfiction, and reads it almost exclusively. He likes to learn about history, politics, economics, business, and the game changers in those fields. Apart from professional reading, I read purely for entertainment. Historical fiction, fantasy, science fiction, literary fiction. And nothing too contemporary. I get quite enough reality in my day job, thank you very much.

So, why do you read?


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